Thursday, October 6, 2016

Getting to Docker and IBM Containers on Bluemix

Getting to Docker and then IBM Containers on Bluemix
Just brief notes so I can do it a second time. Posted here for you.

Create an account on Docker Hub.
 Read up on docker while you're there.

You need Linux.  Although you can do a lot of this on Windows/Mac I guess too.
 In hindsight - I only needed linux because I was building a linux app that I then moved into a docker image.
 If you don't have linux download VirutalBox and install it.
 Then download the ubuntu iso file.

Create an ubuntu image on VirtualBox
 - New.. type=Linux, Version=Unbuntu
 - I had to drop into expert mode and set my disk size to 10GB. The Guest Additions (see below) take up space, but they're useful.
 - Maybe set memory to 3GB
 - it will ask you the location of your ubuntu.iso file.
 - When Ubuntu starts click on the devices menu, and install guest additions. This is what makes shared clipboard work.
 later on...
  - In VirtualBox settings/general/advanced set share to clipboard = bidirectional
  - in VirtualBox settings/network maybe set to bridged adapter if you plan on hitting a docker webservice from your host machine.

In Ubuntu
 open a commmand window (CTRL ALT T)
 curl -fsSL | sh
 sudo usermod -aG docker <username>
 logout and then login again

 At this point you can follow the excellent docker tutorials on
 They will talk you through building a Docker image.
 The mistake I made when I built mine was in the FROM clause in the Dockerfile. BlueMix only supports certain OSs. I had Alpine:3.4 in my FROM clause. I changed it to Ubuntu:16.04 and my project sprang to life on Bluemix.  Knowing this will keep you out of trouble if your goal is to push to Bluemix. Docker itself has more options than bluemix in this regard.
 After reading up and creating your Dockerfile
 docker build -t <mynamespace/myappname> .  <-- this will build your docker image. DO NOT MISS the period at the end
 docker run -P <mynamespace/myappname>      <-- the -P tells it to open ports that you've EXPOSE'd in your Dockerfile config

Push to docker hub and share
 docker login  <-- gets you to your docker hub
 docker push <mynamespace/myappname>

Congratulations! You've built and shared a docker image

Push to IBM Containers on Bluemix
 Still in Ubuntu
 Open a browser and go to
 Select the CF CLI of your choice.  If you're following the unbuntu thread here, just grab the Debian 64 bit.

 Install the IBM Container plugin to CF
  cf install-plugin

 Login to Bluemix via CF
  cf login -a
  cf ic init
  cf ic namespace  <-- remember your namespace
 Push your docker image to bluemix from your dockerhub
 cf ic cpi namespace/program

From any machine:
Configuring your docker image on Bluemix
 Open a browser
 Login to Bluemix
 Go to Catalog
 Go to Compute
 Go to Containers
 You should see your image listed.  It should have a green checkbox next to it.  If not, there's a problem and you can't go further.
 Click on your image to configure a container.
 Give it a name, use the smallest size possible, probably pico, request a public IP or not, wait for it to launch and start up.

Congratulations! You've built a docker container and pushed it to IBM Containers on Bluemix!

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